Copying Page Trees for Regular Users

ScriptRunner for Confluence has a built-in script for copying a tree of pages that's available for Confluence Administrators and Space Administrators, but what if you wanted to create something like that for regular Confluence users?

The answer actually requires two ScriptRunner features to work together.

First, you would need a custom REST Endpoint to copy a page. Second, you'd need a custom Web Item to add a button that would call to your REST Endpoint.

There are many use cases around this, but let's consider one specific one: you want to let people copy a tree of pages to their personal space.

The code below demonstrates how a REST Endpoint could copy a tree of pages. It's deliberately oversimplified (it has minimal validation, it doesn't copy labels, attachments, comments, etc.), but it's a useful starter.

import com.atlassian.confluence.core.DefaultSaveContext
import com.atlassian.confluence.pages.Page
import com.atlassian.confluence.pages.PageManager
import com.atlassian.confluence.setup.settings.SettingsManager
import com.atlassian.confluence.spaces.SpaceManager
import com.atlassian.confluence.user.AuthenticatedUserThreadLocal
import com.atlassian.sal.api.component.ComponentLocator
import com.atlassian.sal.api.transaction.TransactionTemplate
import com.onresolve.scriptrunner.runner.ScriptRunnerImpl
import groovy.transform.BaseScript
import groovy.transform.Field


@BaseScript CustomEndpointDelegate delegate

PageManager pageManager = ComponentLocator.getComponent(PageManager)

SpaceManager spaceManager = ComponentLocator.getComponent(SpaceManager)

SettingsManager settingsManager = ComponentLocator.getComponent(SettingsManager)

    httpMethod: "GET",
    groups: ["confluence-users"]
) { MultivaluedMap queryParams, String body ->
    def pageId = queryParams.getFirst("page")?.toString()?.toInteger()
    def sourcePage = pageManager.getPage(pageId)

    def user = AuthenticatedUserThreadLocal.get()
    def personalSpace = spaceManager.getPersonalSpace(user)

    def newPage = copyPage(sourcePage, personalSpace.homePage)
    copyPages(sourcePage.children, newPage)

    def baseUrl = settingsManager.getGlobalSettings().getBaseUrl()
    def redirect = new URI("${baseUrl}${newPage.urlPath}")
    log.debug "Redirect: ${redirect}"

    return Response.temporaryRedirect(redirect).build() //to new page

void copyPages(List pages, Page targetPage) {
    log.debug "Copying pages: ${pages*.title} to ${targetPage.title}"
    pages.each { sourcePage ->
        def clonePage = copyPage(sourcePage, targetPage)
        copyPages(sourcePage.children, clonePage)

Page copyPage(Page sourcePage, Page targetPage) {
    def transactionTemplate = ScriptRunnerImpl.scriptRunner.getBean(TransactionTemplate)
    transactionTemplate.execute {
        def extantPage = pageManager.getPage(, sourcePage.title)
        if (!extantPage) {
            def newPage = new Page()
            newPage.with {
            pageManager.saveContentEntity(newPage, DefaultSaveContext.BULK_OPERATION)
            return newPage
        } else {
            return extantPage


The Web Item's configuration would look something like the attached image.


Two important bits of that configuration are worth a special mention: the URL and the section.

The section selected (system.content.action/modify) will add our custom web item to the three-dot menu on the upper right corner of a Confluence page.

The URL will point to the custom REST Endpoint we setup earlier and provide the current page ID as a parameter. /rest/scriptrunner/latest/custom/copyPageTree?page=${}



Kurt Rosivatz May 18, 2020


I have a question to this code.

What does the line

def transactionTemplate = ScriptRunnerImpl.scriptRunner.getBean(TransactionTemplate)

 do? Is this necessary when modifying content in Confluence via ScriptRunner? I have not seen this in the documentation or examples so far.



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Jonny Carter
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May 26, 2020

@Kurt Rosivatz- good question. Without getting too much into the weeds, the way we're using it isolates each page's creation to its own database transaction. That can be important to making sure the script doesn't fail in some scenarios.

You can read a bit more about the TransactionTemplate at You may also benefit from reading about the class that it's based off of from the Spring Framework API docs.

I wouldn't recommend using it in every single script without thinking. In this use case (bulk page creation), it's known to resolve some potential problems.

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