Confluence page tree, quick search, inline comments, and more now load 3x-4x faster

Hi Atlassian Community,

I’m Jason, a manager on the Confluence Cloud Performance team. We know how incredibly frustrating it is when a product is slow 😵‍💫 . That’s why my team has been closely monitoring your performance related feedback and are happy to share we’ve made substantial improvements on key functionalities. And this is just the beginning, our team is hard at work to improve performance across Confluence Cloud.

We hope this makes a noticeable impact to your page experience. As always, please share your questions and feedback in the comments! 

Page Tree, now 3x faster
The page tree allows you to navigate pages within a space. It’s now ready to use once you see it (no more loading states). This feature is ready to use approximately 6 seconds earlier.

BEFORE                                   AFTER (1) (1).gif

Quick Search, now 4x faster
You can now use the search dialog without any delay – it’s ready to use around 9 seconds earlier than before. Once you’ve added input, pressing enter takes you to the advanced search page immediately.

BEFORE                                   AFTER


Inline comments, now 4x faster
Yellow highlights for inline comments are now visible and interactive 9 seconds earlier, rather than the jarring pop-in that previously occurred.

BEFORE                                   AFTER

optimized_inline_highlights_comparison (2).gif

Action buttons, now 2x faster
Favorite, watch, and restrictions buttons are displayed immediately on page load, approximately 4 seconds earlier than before. This provides all the page state information immediately, and reduces visual pop-in.

BEFORE                                   AFTER (4).gif

Images, now 4x faster
Images now load immediately, and are fully viewable around 9 seconds earlier. A huge improvement, moving from the old loading states to images simply appearing immediately.

BEFORE                                   AFTER (9).gif

Select Macros, now 4x faster
Certain frequently used macros now load immediately, around 9 seconds earlier than before. These macros will be both readable and interactive, but even more importantly will reduce content shifting around on the page

BEFORE                                   AFTER

side by side - macro ssr (3).gif

What’s next?
As mentioned above, we’re continuing to focus on Confluence performance improvements including for Smartlinks, page comments, and much more. We also presented at Team '22, providing some technical details about how we’ve approached Confluence Cloud Performance, and the session is available for free here. We’re always looking for user feedback, so please share below.


Srinatha T
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 25, 2022

Thanks for sharing this. 

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Heike Fischer
June 10, 2022

Great results by now. We can "feel" it every day, it works better. Thank you! 

Andy Gladstone
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 12, 2022

@Jason Horsley the Team '22 session was great (I was there in person). Seeing the follow-up and commitment the team has towards Making Cloud Great (always) is confidence building. Thank you.

Alex Williamson
I'm New Here
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June 14, 2022

Good news! Thanks for the updates. Performance and usability for this will always be on our list of product requirements, so we are grateful for the improvements. Keep them coming! 

Marco Renzi June 15, 2022

Good news! Thanks for the updates.

Dana Kashubeck
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June 16, 2022

I'm extremely excited to learn that the performance is improving!! This will be so helpful for my team, for sure!!

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Matt Gold
I'm New Here
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June 29, 2022

I was hoping to see more of a technical overview of how you achieved the speed gains.

Sergey Kurguzenkov
July 6, 2022


Didnt you consider fixing that causes page to not open instead (or, in ideal world together with) speeding up small delays in showing the buttons?


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