Hello everyone!
I wanted to share a simple page approval process using Confluence Automation, content statuses, and page labels.
- This is an out of the box solution.
- If multiple spaces would like this, change the scope in global automation.
- Feel free to try it out and supply feedback.
I am not the best with automation, so if this can be simplified, please let me know.
The process
- User creates or modifies a page.
- Page gets put into Draft page status.
- When ready, the user updates the page status to Approval Required.
- The approver reviews the content and then updates the page status to Approved.
The backend:
- Utilizes content statuses for approval automation.
- Labels and updates page statuses via automation.
- Emails the approvers when pages need reviewed.
- Emails the author that their content is under review.
- Edited approved pages cycle back though the approval workflow.
- Pages marked Approved from Draft will update to Approval Required.
The TL/DR setup
Space Settings
- Click space settings in the left navigation
- Click Content Statuses
- Add at least the following 3 statuses
- Draft
- Approval Required
- Approved
Click space settings, automation, and then create the following automations.
Page Approvals (Part 1) - New pages to Draft
- When: Page published
- {{smart values}} Condition:
- {{page.contentStatus}} equals Empty
- and: Page Condition
- Contains none of the label(s)
- meeting-notes, file-list, draft
- Then: Change page status = draft
- And: Add label = draft
Page Approvals (Part 2) - Draft to Approval Required
- When page status changed = Approval Required
- Page Condition:
- Where labels contains draft
- Then: Remove label = draft
- Then Add label = approval-required
- And Send email to approvers
- And Send email to author
- To: {{page.author.emailAddress}}
Page Approvals (Part 3) - Draft to Approval Required
- When page status changed = Approval Required
- Page Condition:
- Where Labels contains none Draft
- Then: Add label = approval-required
- And Send email to approvers
- And Send email to author
- To: {{page.author.emailAddress}}
Page Approvals (Part 4] - Approval Required to Approved
- When page status changed = Approved
- Page Condition:
- Where contains approval-required
- Then: Remove label = approval-required
- And: Add label = approved
- And Send email to author
- To: {{page.author.emailAddress}}
- Hi {{page.author.publicName}}
Page Approvals (Part 5) - Edited Approved Pages to Draft
- When page is edited
- {{smart values}} Condition:
- {{page.status}} equals Approved
- Page Condition:
- Where Labels contains approved
- Then: Change page status = draft
- And: Add label = draft
- And: Remove label = approved
Page Approvals (Part 6) - Changing Status back to Draft
- When: Page status changed = Draft
- If: Page Condition
- Where: Contains any of the labels
- approved, approval-required
- Then: Add label = Draft
- And: Remove label = approved, approval-required
Page Approvals (Part 7) - Users who try to skip approvals
- When: Page status changed = Approved
- If: Page Condition
- Then: Change page status = Approval Required
- And: Add label = approval-required
- And: Remove label = draft
Create your Confluence page review dashboard.
- Create a new page
- Layout 3 columns
- 3x Filter by label (content by label)
- draft
- approval-required
- approved (last 10)

I hope this helps someone out! Please share your thoughts on this.