CONFSERVER Discard Unpublished Changes

So I have spent some time trying to figure how to discard all changes to a collaborative draft. It goes without saying the publishing and reverting is not a great solution. I have found a trick that allows you to see all change and/or discard all changes on a page.

Here are the steps to reproduce/discard all unpublished changes:

  1. Create a page with Unpublished Changes
    1. Edit a page make some changes
    2. Click Close
  2. Edit the page and get to a resume draft mode
    1. Edit the page with the Unpublished Changes lausunge
    2. Refresh the page
      1. Before the refresh the URL should look something like this pages/editpage.action?pageId=XXXXXX
      2. After Refresh it should now look like /pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=XXXXXX&draftShareId=XXXXXX
  3. Trigger Close the Editor Dialog
    1. Type a character on the page
    2. Click Close
      1. A dialog should appear "Close the Editor"Capture.PNG
    3. Click Discard All Changes


Yay. You can also view all the changes made, which normally you would never know what has been done. Now only if we could get this to happen without the page refresh...



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