🥳 Better Pickers ⚡️🤖

đź‘‹ Community! Elana from Confluence Automation here today with a super exciting announcement: You can now create content using components in your current rule space!


What does this mean?

Have you ever wanted to create a child page of a trigger page, a newly created page, or newly create space?

Well now you can! We've expanded our rule logic capabilities so that you can create and organize content more flexibly!


What does this look like?

Let’s run through some examples 🚀

Example 1 - Creating child pages of trigger pages

You want to create a child page of the page that triggers your rule.

How would you do this?

  1. In the rule builder, you’d add a “When: page published” trigger (or any other page trigger).

  2. Then, you’d use a “Then: Publish new page”, select “Page from this rule’s space”, and choose “Trigger page” as the parent page.

  3. Finally, fill in the rest of your rule details.

You’re good to go! When this rule executes, the newly created “Meeting Notes” page will be a child page of the trigger page!



Example 2 - Creating child pages of newly created pages

You want to create a child page of a newly created page in your current rule space.

How would you do this?

  1. In the rule builder, you’d add a “When: Page is published” trigger (or any other page trigger).

  2. Then, you’d use a “Then: Publish new page” and fill out the details based on your organizational preferences.

  3. Next, add another “Then: Publish new page”, select “Page from this rule’s space”, and choose “Current page in rule”.

You’re done! When this rule executes, the newly created “Meeting Follow-Up” page will be published as a child page to the “Meeting Notes” page!



Example 3 - Creating pages within newly created spaces

You want to create a new page in a new space every Friday at 9:00 AM.

It's too much work to manually do this every week, so you decide you want to create an automation rule that does it for you automatically.

How would you do this?

  1. In the rule builder, you’d add a “When” trigger and input your desired schedule time.

  2. Then, you’d use a “Create space” component to automatically create a space whenever the rule executes.

  3. Finally, you’d add an “And: Publish new page” component and choose “Newly created space”.

Work complete! This rule configuration will publish a new page within the space created in step 2!


In addition to the Better Pickers being available in the “Publish new page” component, they’ll also be available in the following components:

  1. Copy Page

  2. Move Page

  3. Create Smart Link

  4. Create Database

  5. Create Whiteboard


Additional Updates 🎉

We’ve also made task branch improvements!

You can now add more specific due date criteria to your tasks branches! Filter which tasks you want to perform actions on based on whether the due date “ is in exactly" [X] days, "is within the next" [X] days, or “has passed”!


When will this be available?

Thanks to Yuki Janvier and the Confluence Automation team, these features are fully available and live for all Premium and Enterprise Confluence customers with automation enabled. We hope you find these new rule configuration options valuable in your mission to always keeping your content organized!


We want to hear from you!

We’d love your feedback so please feel free to schedule time with us directly here or drop a comment on this post 🙏


Zachary Howard
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
July 19, 2024

This is amazing and I am so excited to begin using this new feature! Thanks for getting this done! 

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Zack Howard July 19, 2024

Just gave it a little test run and so far so good!!! This is wonderful, especially with the ability to use smart values in the page titles. This will save us a ton of time when having to create standardized sections for our spaces. 

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