Just want to share a tool that I wrote for exporting the Confluence space to XML, HTML or PDF file, if you are interested please check this out:
Usage: confluence-space-exporter -k [key] -t [type]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-k, --key Confluence space key [required]
-t, --type Export file type: xml, html or pdf [required]
confluence-space-exporter -k CAP -t xml Export Confluence space CAP to XML file
# Sample
$ confluence-space-exporter -k CAP -t xml
Generating export file for space CAP ...
CAP space archiving file download link: https://confluence.jackiechen.org/download/temp/Confluence-space-export-221847-204.xml.zip
CAP space download starting time: 2019-10-17 10:18:47
status code is: 200
CAP space export file size: 0.01 MB
100.00 % has been downloaded for CAP
CAP space download finished! confluence.jackiechen.org-CAP-Confluence_Automation_Poc.xml.zip
CAP space download ending time: 2019-10-17 10:18:48
Jackie Chen
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