Analytics for Pages, now available in Standard and Premium

Hi everyone! Tim from the Confluence Product Management team here.

Looking back to 2019, we launched Confluence Cloud Premium jam-packed with new analytics insights for your site, spaces and pages. So it’s with much excitement we kick-off 2020 with a new customer-requested feature for our Standard edition customers:

Analytics for pages! At last, it takes guessing out of the question, “How much attention is my Confluence page getting?”


Now Standard edition customers can also see at a glance how much activity is happening on any page in Confluence. This is the most convenient way to measure whether customers are discovering and using a particular knowledge base article, or if your meeting notes have been read. Both admins and end-users can see these insights, and it’s another way to help you take action and keep work moving forward.

The Analytics snapshot shows stats like total page views, the number of unique users that have seen the page, and a chart that tracks activity over time.

To access this feature on any of your pages, simply tap the link marked “Analytics” under a page’s title and author information. Here you can either get a quick snapshot of pages activity or deep dive to learn more.

This is just one of the many new features things we’re cooking up in Confluence this year so stay tuned for more updates. Please share your feedback in the comments!


Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 4, 2020

This is one of my favorite features with Confluence. Specifically, Space Analytics, seeing overall activity over time e.g. most popular pages, most active readers, and most active contributors. Glad both Standard and Premium editions now get to use this - looking forward to what's next!

Thanks for the update @Tim Clipsham 

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RPT Admin
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February 5, 2020

This isn't available for anonymous users. Three cheers for that. But it seems that anonymous users have also lost the ability to see who last updated the page, and when it was last updated. Is this documented anywhere? 

Like William Kahapea likes this
Deleted user February 5, 2020

This is great! Is there something similar coming for folks on Server & Data Center?

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Tim Clipsham
Atlassian Team
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February 5, 2020

it seems that anonymous users have also lost the ability to see who last updated the page, and when it was last updated. Is this documented anywhere?

@RPT Admin I was able to reproduce this and it looks like it could be a bug. I've raised it with the team internally to take a closer look. Thanks for raising this!


Update: @RPT Admin this issue should now be resolved. Let me know if you're still seeing it.

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Emily Koch
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February 6, 2020

Thanks @Tim Clipsham !

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Ben Magro
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February 9, 2020

Hi @[deleted],

Thanks for your question. Effective February 28, 2020, Analytics for Confluence Data Center will no longer be available for purchase or subscription renewal. So there will be no active feature development for the Server and Data Center versions of this product.

We are currently exploring the broad area of Analytics and Business Insights for the Data Center versions of Confluence, Jira and Bitbucket. We have not committed to any one solution yet, but you may see some movement in this area in the future.

If this information is particularly useful for you and your organisation, please get in touch, we’d love to schedule some time to chat.

Ben Magro
DC - Product Manager

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Kimberly Hall February 13, 2020

Hi Ben - Great new addition!

Quick question: What is the difference between the Analytics features available to Confluence Cloud Standard versus Confluence Cloud Premium? 

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eCampus Center Staff February 13, 2020

We have Confluence Cloud (looks like Standard since we can't see who viewed a page when reviewing Analytics and there's a nice "upgrade" option showing).

How can I view the Analytics for a whole Space? That is, I want to see all the views of all the pages at once and sort from most viewed to least viewed. Is there a more broad Analytics access point?

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Thiago Buselato Mauricio
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February 13, 2020

Hi @Tim Clipsham

I'm really curious to see all possibilities analytics function can bring to my business.

Would you have a video or the possibility to schedule a call to show me this analytics feature?

Best regards!

Laura Bier February 13, 2020

I love having the analytics available to see unique views in particular.  Thanks @Tim Clipsham 

1) the analytics link appears to be missing from the Overview page.  Is this intentional? We have made this page like a home page/dashboard so this is the one I would like most to monitor usage of. 

2) it would be amazing to have page edits as a metric in addition to page views... just a thought...

Yay! Thanks again.

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Kristin Eck
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February 13, 2020

Can we pull reports on page-level analytics with Standard?

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Jordan Tipson
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February 13, 2020

Are we able to see which users viewed the pages?  In the example above, "Users Viewed" shows 31.  Are we able to click on that and see which users viewed? 

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February 13, 2020

I can't see the analytics link on Macquarie's version of confluence. Is it not the latest version?

Udo Siebrasse February 13, 2020

I don't like to play the party crasher here, but can "Analytics" be turned off?

Im am sure, in terms of EU GDPR, the "Analytics" part has to be classified as a "tracking mechanism". In that case, (at least German) law require an opt-in mechanism to collect personal information. Consent via concludent action is ruled out by German GDPR authorities.

The type and amount of the data Atlassian collects is intransparent. And we, the site owner, or the web site user do not know if Atlassian uses the collected data for their own purposes.

I really would like to see how Atlassian will follow a request, e.g. the "right to receive data". If someone demands "his/her data", all tracking data has to be included. The rights from GDPR can be requested from either Atlassian or the owner of a site. So - how would I do that, e.g. if a former employee asks for "all his/her data"?

Did someone at Atlassian thought about GDPR for a few seconds? (btw. the CCPA grants similar rights to persons)

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Jeramy S February 14, 2020

Which version of Confluence do I need to upgrade to in order to get analytics? My company is using 6.13 and I don't see it. :(

Tim Clipsham
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 14, 2020

Thanks all for the encouragement and the questions! 🙂

I’ll answer these across several responses. If I haven’t answered your question yet, know that I’ll do my best to get an answer to them all as soon as I can.




What is the difference between the Analytics features available to Confluence Cloud Standard versus Confluence Cloud Premium?

@Kimberly Hall We’ve brought some of the page-level analytics features into Standard (e.g. total views on a page, unique users viewed on a page) that better align with the needs of all Confluence customers. The more advanced features such as analytics at the space-level and the site-level are just in Premium.


...How can I view the Analytics for a whole Space?

@eCampus Center Staff the space-level view of analytics makes it really easy to see the list of pages and sort it by columns such as total views or last updated date. It’s a key feature in Confluence Cloud Premium, and is great for gardening your space and ensuring the right content is being discovered. Check out documentation on space insights, or you can also test out the full analytics functionality yourself by starting a free Premium trial.


Would you have a video or the possibility to schedule a call to show me this analytics feature?

@Thiago Buselato Mauricio Our team recently recorded a webinar on new Confluence Cloud features for improved team productivity. The whole webinar is excellent, but you can also skip to ~22:25 if you'd like to learn about analytics first.

We’d also be happy to schedule a call. I’ll follow up soon.


…analytics link appears to be missing from the Overview page

Thanks for raising that @Laura Bier, it's a known issue and I think we could make that experience better. Another way you can view analytics for a page is via the "Analytics" link in the 3 dots menu, which can be found on the right side of your page – this should allow you to view analytics on a space overview page.


Edit: @Laura Bier we've created a ticket to keep track of this:

Like Laura Bier likes this
Kimberly Hall February 17, 2020

@Tim Clipsham - Thank you for your quick reply above! 

One more question - RE: When viewing "Search" Analytics on Confluence Premium (we are on a 30 day trial to see if we want to purchase it). I see only 21 search terms - many that are not full words (Examples: "ab" "peo" "tec" etc...) This is not reflective of what our team is actually searching. My team, and I have seen other teams, are searching full words and phrases but they are not showing up in the search analytics. Is there a setting we need to change, or other?

Thank you so much for your assistance. 

Tim Clipsham
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 19, 2020

Can we pull reports on page-level analytics with Standard?

@Kristin Eck currently in Standard edition you can see total page views, total users that have viewed the page and dive in to see a chart of view activity over time that you can filter to get a better sense of when the activity occurred. Currently there isn’t a report export (e.g. Excel) of this data.


Thank you for your quick reply above! … I see only 21 search terms… many that are not full words… this is not reflective of what our team is actually searching

@Kimberly Hall no problem! Currently, only advanced searches are tracked and only after a Premium trial has started. This might explain why there’s only 21 searches shown so far.

Regarding the incomplete terms, I’ve raised that with the team to take a deeper look. We’ve created a ticket to keep track of it:

Kimberly Hall February 20, 2020

@Tim Clipsham - Thank you! Appreciated. We are watching the issue. 

Tim Clipsham
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 24, 2020

@Udo Siebrasse you’re definitely not a party crasher 🙂 – these are valid and important questions, so thanks for asking them. I’ve answered these in several parts below:


…can "Analytics" be turned off?

Im am sure, in terms of EU GDPR, the "Analytics" part has to be classified as a "tracking mechanism". In that case, (at least German) law require an opt-in mechanism to collect personal information. Consent via concludent action is ruled out by German GDPR authorities.

Page analytics works differently between Standard and Premium editions.

In Standard, the statistics shown in page analytics are aggregated, which includes total page view count, total number of users who have viewed the page, and a chart of total/unique page views over time. Per-user activity is not available in Standard. At this stage, there isn’t a way to turn off aggregated page analytics within Standard.

In Premium, page analytics also includes per-user activity and access can be controlled by space and site-level admins. Check out the permissions for analytics documentation to learn more.


…The type and amount of the data Atlassian collects is intransparent…

Information about what data Atlassian collects can be found in our Trust pages on the Atlassian website. It provides information on our stance on privacy and GDPR readiness. You’ll find both an overview and the full privacy policy there.


I really would like to see how Atlassian will follow a request, e.g. the "right to receive data". If someone demands "his/her data", all tracking data has to be included. The rights from GDPR can be requested from either Atlassian or the owner of a site. So - how would I do that, e.g. if a former employee asks for "all his/her data"?

There’s more information about how we handle Data Portability and the Right to Be Forgotten in our trust center on the Atlassian website.

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Tim Clipsham
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 24, 2020

I can't see the analytics link…Is it not the latest version

Which version of Confluence do I need to upgrade to in order to get analytics? My company is using 6.13 and I don't see it. :(

@Jeramy S / @nick_robberds it sounds like you might be using either the Server or Data Center version of Confluence, however page analytics is only available in the Cloud version of Confluence. See Ben’s comment above for more information regarding analytics and the Server and Data Center versions.


Are we able to see which users viewed the pages? In the example above, "Users Viewed" shows 31. Are we able to click on that and see which users viewed?

@Jordan Tipson, yes it’s possible to see which users viewed the page by clicking the “View analytics” button in the dialog, however this feature is only available as part of Confluence Cloud Premium. You can learn more about it in the documentation on page insights, or test it out for yourself by starting a free 30-day Premium trial.

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Aron Gombas _Midori_
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June 5, 2023

Those who look for analytics in Confluence Standard and Free plans, the Better Content Archiving app provides easy to use analytics:


How it works:

  1. Events are collected for each content (page or blog post) separately.
  2. They are fully anonimized (we only store the artificial IDs of the content and of the user).
  3. They can be listed and reported per content. (Because we collect the analytics already, we will add further reports that aggregate these per space, per site, offering filtering, etc. The data will already be there if you start using the app today.)
  4. It is available for all Confluence plans: Free, Standard and Premium. For less than 10 users, it is completely free.
Becky Kiernan
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October 2, 2024

In order to see the specifics by page of who has viewed it, I understand the premium or enterprise version is needed.  2 questions: 1) How do I find out the pricing after that 30 day trial period?  2) will I be able to view the people that viewed a page PRIOR to the date that these Analytics/Insights are enabled or would the starting be from when the Premium package is purchased and enabled? 


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