A brand new space navigation experience is coming to Confluence!

Hi Confluence Community,

We’re excited to announce that in the next few months we will be rolling out a brand new space navigation experience in Confluence.

Prior to the release, in mid-August we’ll be running an Early Access Program to get feedback from customers on how these changes affect the way they work in Confluence. If you’d like to sign up please fill out this form: https://privacy.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/group/1/create/32

What’s changing?

Over the past year we’ve heard from many customers that our space navigation has gotten cluttered and difficult to use. We’re making a number of visual & UX design changes to simplify & reorganize space navigation so it’s easier to access content & features in a space.

New Space Navigation.pngAll Content.png

Some highlights include:

  1. A brand new “All content” tab - now you can go here to search & discover all content in a space in one place

  2. Updated sections (shortcuts, content, apps) - we’ve changed the order & made each section expandable so you can quickly get to the content & features you care about

  3. Accessibility improvements - we’ve added tooltips on hover for all elements in the side nav and updated their selected states to make them more distinguishable

  4. Modernized look & feel - we’ve tightened the density & spacing and updated iconography to make the experience feel more modern

  5. A new blogs landing experience - now you can view all space blogs in a card or list format, similar to the "All content" tab

A note to Confluence Cloud Premium customers: Archived Pages and the Bulk Archive feature will now be accessible from the "Space settings" section. We are working on ways to make Premium features more accessible in the near future, so stay tuned to Atlassian Community for more on that.

Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you,

Daniel Ayele (Product Manager), @Julie Kuang(Design Lead), @Hillary Fan(Engineering Feature Lead)


Jena Slezak
Atlassian Team
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July 18, 2023

This is going to be great!

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Tomislav Tobijas _Koios_
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July 18, 2023

New icons have been rolled to one of our client's sites (for a while now) and I've been wondering how did they manage to change that 😅 Took me some time to get used to the new icons, but in general, I think they are a nice improvement.

Also, love the update on sections for content and apps 🙂

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Matt Reiner _K15t_
Atlassian Partner
August 2, 2023

Love the small changes here @DA, I feel like this really refines the nav without making me rage about having to learn something new. 😇
Had to give it the short and sharable video treatment: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Us2MdLicrHw

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 7, 2023

@Matt Reiner _K15t_ awesome video! thank you!

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Randy O_Neal
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August 23, 2023

Signed up for the EAP... can't wait!  @Matt Reiner _K15t_ nice video!

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Miriam Hopton
August 24, 2023

Looking forward to this! Love updates. Keep them coming!

Elizabeth Jones
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August 24, 2023

love this!

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Stefan Tichelaar
August 24, 2023

Maybe spend some time on restoring the lost page breadcrumbs features to allow easier page to page navigation, now that would be really helpful.

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Roger Hand
August 28, 2023

Nice, but would be even nicer if you showed the path for each item in the "All Content" results.

What if there were folders in the space for different departments, and each folder contained a document named "Priorities for 2024"? Seeing several documents with that name in the All Content results would be confusing unless you knew what folder the document lived in.

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Andy Gladstone
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August 30, 2023

Somehow I missed the original announcement, and when I was out on vacation last week this rolled out to our org. It was a very pleasant surprise, and I am already in love with the new navigation and features. All Content is a great way to discover content previously buried in the tree. Thanks!

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Lynn Stabile
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September 8, 2023

I don't see access to my archived pages anywhere. It's gone from the old spot but I don't see it under space settings. I am the space admin so I should see it, right?

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Erin Casali
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October 2, 2023

It seems it makes quite hard to read through the last blog posts published tho? Now I've go to back-and-forth from the screen instead of just clicking through the sidebar list... :| 

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I'm New Here
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October 2, 2023

It's very good, but, the addition is missing in the macro children page. Because we now have the icon everywhere it's needed in the children page lists.

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Elena Lurye
October 3, 2023

@Roger Hand , you cannot have two pages with the same name in the same Space, so this shouldn't be an issue.

Александр Иорданов
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October 5, 2023


j temple October 5, 2023

New sidebar looks amazing! All I ask is please please please add an option to completely hide the apps. We've all wanted this option for a while.


I hope there will be options to hide some other sections as well. Things like Calendar, Blogs, and Analytics are pretty cool, and I'll probably use them at home, but they are not used on the programs I work at.

Marie Arellano
October 5, 2023

Why did you expose the Space settings to non-login users -these are for admin only. Is there a way to make it hidden and displayed for login-users only?

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Krishna Narayana
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October 6, 2023

A +1 on the space settings being visible to non-login users. I appreciate the UI changes to make navigation and finding easier. Keep bringing the helpful updates team

I'm New Here
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October 6, 2023

I love these contemporary design ideas!

Andrew Dysert
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October 6, 2023

Nice looking update!

Jon Jorgensen
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October 6, 2023

This post lets me reach Level 1!!!  I'm loving my Confluence mad skillz already!

Tami Dubi
October 7, 2023

Not for the first time. I don't understand why you show on the side menu as default features we don't have without our consent. We don't have a premium license, and yet you put an automation button on the side menu, and when our employees press that, they receive your advertisement to try premium. 
This is really not cool. 

Also, @Julie Kuang@Hillary Fan, You removed the sub-menu of the Space setting & blogs , which was really comfortable, for quick entrance to the specific space setting we wanted to choose. Please bring this option back since it saves time.

ofremont October 9, 2023

Would be great to be able to automatically list children pages in a table of content that would be on the main section page thanks 

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Michal Klucz
October 9, 2023

we just got the update. 

is there a way to restore old view od blog notes in sidebar?

right now the blog is just a link that displays everything on the main screen, in the past you could navigate directly from the sidebar menu.

can't find that option in the page settings menu.

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Cato Jensen
October 9, 2023

Good changes. Next wish is even more support for only working with keyboard:
- Navigate the sidebar with only keyboard is to cumbersome, as today we have to do it by tabbing hundreds of times to get to a document. It should be one key to get us to the sidebar, and then we could use the arrow-keys to navigate, then enter to select a page.


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