3 fabulous new features in the Confluence Cloud mobile app

We're excited to announce 3 new features to make it easier to work your way!

1. Slash commands are now supported on mobile šŸ‘ šŸ„³

Edit with ease by quickly inserting elements like panels, quotes, and code snippets simply by typing /. Inserts couldnā€™t be any easier!


Get to what you need, faster with improved linking capabilities šŸ”—

In the past when you opened a link from an email notification about a comment, you would be directed to the top of that page. You then had to scroll down to find that comment. Well, now the link will take you directly to the open comment on that page, saving you time.

3. Itā€™s now easier than ever before to quickly insert powerful elements to the page with the enhanced editor toolbar

Easier access to macros like action items, @mentions, images or attachments through the new editor toolbar allow you to seamlessly add additional context to your pages.

The new editor toolbar also boasts a more intuitive styling menu, so you can more seamlessly dress up your page!


We hope these updates to the mobile app make your life a little more productive. Let us know what you think in the comments below. Cheers!

P.S. If you havenā€™t already, join the club by downloading the Confluence Cloud mobile app for iOS or Android


Samie Kaufman - Your Gal at Gliffy
Community Leader
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February 1, 2021

Number 2 is going to make my poor, tired scrolling thumb so much happier šŸ˜‰

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February 1, 2021

Too bad you can only use the slash command for a very limited set of macros.

I supposed this is connected to the critical functionality issue with the mobile app - the fact that most macros are not fully supported. For most macros the mobile app will simply display a placeholder box with the name of the macro and the text link "Tap to load". Once you've "tapped to load" and waited a few seconds the placeholder box will display a new text link "View". Tap the new text link and you get the macro output on a new page!

As an example, we use draw.io a lot, for process flows, organizational charts etc. The above described issue makes the mobile app feel very limited. No process flows or org. charts are ever presented directly to the user and never in the intended context.

In conclusion; the new functionality described here is very welcome, but it is just a small step towards actually making the mobile app fully functional and useful.

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Stephanie Zhang _Product_
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 2, 2021

@thomas_ohrbom I really appreciate your honest feedback! Any chance you'd be willing to chat with the development team for a deeper dive on your use cases? If you're interested, please send over your availability to szhang5@atlassian.com

Fabienne Gerhard
Community Leader
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February 25, 2021

Celebrating number 3 šŸ‘

This is a huge improvement imho

Like ā€¢ Stephanie Zhang _Product_ likes this


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