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Database embed alternative default view shows as blank

Olie Ryan-George March 13, 2024

Hi everyone,

When I embed a database and select a default view that isn't "All Entries", I get "No matching entries found".

I then have to move it to "All Entries" and then move it back again to get the data to show. This is not very usable.

Can we have a fix for this?

See the image below showing the difference between when I've got the alternative default view (top) compared to when I had "All Entries" as the default view and changed to the other view (bottom).




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Rachel Li
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 13, 2024

Hi @Olie Ryan-George thanks for reporting this! Could you share some more information about the view settings (i.e. filters, sorting, hidden fields, layout) you're using for the views that are showing "No matching entries found"?

Olie Ryan-George March 14, 2024

Hi Rachel,

Here are screenshots of the settings for both. They are identical. Sort is none and layout is table. I've also added the full table at the bottom. Thanks!


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Rachel Li
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 14, 2024

Thanks for sending over these screenshots! We’re aware of an issue where views with “contains” filters on linked fields (ex. entry link, entry details, page link) will not show any entries on initial load. It looks like this is the same issue that the you're experiencing since you're using a "contains" filter on a Page link column ("Data Model"). We’re looking into it and are hoping to have a fix for it soon!

Could you confirm that this issue doesn't happen for other types of filters? For example, if you get rid of the Data Model filter and just filter by API Input Type.

Olie Ryan-George March 15, 2024

Hi Rachel,

Yes, you're correct. If I do exactly the same but for a view which just has an "is string type" filter. This issue doesn't occur.

Please keep me updated on the fix!

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Rachel Li
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 26, 2024

Hi @Olie Ryan-George we merged a fix for this issue! Please let us know if you run into any further issues.

Olie Ryan-George March 26, 2024

Hi @Rachel Li

It's working now! Thanks so much.

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