Lookup (query return multiple fields based on primary key)

Richmond Izard_ PMP_ CFPM_ CPRP
April 22, 2024



I have a use case in which I have a database that contains the hierarchy of 4 goals, 8 objectives, 15 initiatives, and 51 tactics. I would like to enter the number of a specific tactic into a Page Properties field and automatically retrieve the associated goal, objective and initiative (all fields/columns existing in the source database).


Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find an amenable solution using the various Confluence features and add-ons, albeit Orderly Databases reported included the lookup feature before being acquired by Atlassian and integrated into the Confluence Databases beta.


Any insights?



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Richmond Izard_ PMP_ CFPM_ CPRP
April 22, 2024

Perhaps the following add-on will do the trick: 


JavaScript Button for Confluence

Fetch text from a page, analyze the text with a java script macro, store the result back to the page. Learn more.

Kerrie Gottschalk
April 22, 2024

I'm not sure this is what you are looking for, but it may get you close to what you want. If you select the Embed Database macro on your page, you can then select the data from your database that you wish to expose. For example, I have a database of tools we use for collaboration. If I have a separate page just about Confluence, I can embed my database info on that page.


Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 5.13.07 PM.png



Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 5.10.25 PM.png

Confluence page:

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 5.18.43 PM.png


Richmond Izard_ PMP_ CFPM_ CPRP
April 23, 2024

Hi @Kerrie Gottschalk

Thanks for advising me about the Embed Database macro, of which I was not familiar. That's very helpful.

The filter and hide features of the macro are quite useful. Unfortunately, I don't see an option to lock the saved filter so that the filter doesn't get unapplied when the page reloads.





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