Has anyone else noticed the reduction in capabilities with Databases in Confluence as of the update a few weeks ago?
Namely - if you have a /database macro on a page, which provides a view to a database... and in that macro, you customized the view... that no longer works. That has been completely removed as a feature.
Views can now only be defined within the database itself, on the database level.
My particular use case -- I have an Applications database where I house records of all the apps we use. We also have a Documentation database for all of our KB articles. Documentation records can be associated to Application records. When you go to an Application's page, up until now, we've shown a filtered view of the Documentation database for a really nice snapshot of contextually relevant documents.
I now must delete all those Documentation database macros, and ask my team to instead just go to the Documentation database and filter manually every time they want to look for something.
I normally am a big fan of Atlassian, but this is a real disappointment.
I booked you and you declined it. Let me know if you still want to chat.