Using OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc as file repository in Confluence

Jeannine Hooper-Yan January 8, 2020

The new editor has killed our information management strategy.  Most of our information is maintained in Confluence pages.  But when we had a file (supplier RFQ, design spec, etc) - we used file list pages to organize the files by project and then linked to the file from any page that needed it.  This is how we maintained a single point of truth for our documentation.

In the new editor - the only way to link a file to a page is to upload the file to the page.  This completely eliminates our ability to maintain a single point of truth and make sure we reference the document everywhere needed.

I'm wondering if anyone has experience using other services (OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, Sharepoint) for file storage and integrating with Confluence.  Any recommendations if any services work better than others?

If I can't solve this problem, I'm going to have to move to a new tool and just keep Confluence until the current information in there ages out.

2 answers

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Nelson Pereira June 25, 2020

Hi Jeannine,

You can have a look to this app, Team Files, it support live files attach to Confluence for a single source of truth. It’s also available for Jira.

It supports attaching files from Dropbox, Google Drive, SharePoint, OneDrive, Box, Egnyte and even FTP servers

Check here:


Hope it helps

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 9, 2020

Hello there! Thanks for reaching out @Jeannine Hooper-Yan .

The latest updates to our editor did bring a lot of changes! One of them is that we can no longer link to attachments. Here is a report on that:

However, I believe that you can try and keep a pretty similar workflow even with such limitations. We can use a combination of labeling and the Attachments macro.

You can check how labels work here:


And here is our documentation on the Attachments Macro:

What we need to do is this:

  1. Label our attachments
  2. Create our page
  3. Add the Attachments Macro
  4. Enter the macro´s settings
  5. Set the page into which the macro should look into
  6. Limit the results by using Filename Patterns, Labels and sorting


I understand that this solution is not ideal or elegant or fast as linking to attachments, but I believe it achieves a similar result. Let me know if this workaround helps you out, Jeannine!

Looking forward to your reply.

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