Links break after exporting from confluence

Sridevi March 25, 2022

I have been using Cloud Confluence with Scroll Documents, Scroll Exporter Extensions, and Scroll Word Exporter.
A few months back, the word export got downloaded with proper links. Suddenly, observed that all links within the word did not work properly. When clicked, it jumps to the first page.
Surprisingly, when I create a new page with links works, but the exiting pages with links do not work
what could be wrong and any suggestion


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Jack Brickey
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March 26, 2022

Did you inspect the link to assess the difference between the one in Confluence and the one post export? If you export to pdf does the problem persist? Did you try multiple pages? What if you refresh the links in existing page before export?

Sridevi March 28, 2022

Hi Jack,

Thanks for reaching out!

yes, I verified, all seems fine to me.

The links do not work when I convert the exported document.

And yes, I did refresh and exported multiple pages.

Please note: This does not occur in other spaces. Typically two spaces are affected.
Also when the pages are moved to another space, links with scroll.png

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