Cross reference content from one page to another within a space

Anand Rajaraman September 25, 2019

In Confluence Cloud, I am unable to navigate to a particular section of the content from one page to another using an anchor tag.




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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 27, 2019

Hello Anand,

Thank you for contacting us about this. Unfortunately, this is a known issue with the new editing experience. 

Per Confluence Editing Improvements:

The anchor macro is temporarily unavailable, but there are two workarounds for this:

Add a table of contents macro to your page, as this automatically generates anchor links for each page header.

To find those links, right-click (or on mobile, long-press) any of the headers in the table of contents, and copy the link address. 

Anchors are automatically generated for each page header.

To link to one, use the https://pageURL#headingtext. The anchor text must be formatted as it is on the page, including punctuation marks, but without spaces.

For example, to link to this section, we would add #Anchors to the page URL, like so:

The feature is coming back soon, according to our Confluence Cloud Editor Roadmap.

I hope that helps clarify why it is not currently working. Please let me know if you have any questions about that.



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