New Confluence Training: Confluence Administration for Cloud

Become the Confluence Cloud expert at your organization with new training

The next Confluence Cloud super fan at your job? You.


The type of happiness that only comes from expertise in Confluence Cloud.




If you administer Confluence Cloud for your organization, your time has come: The Confluence Administration course from Atlassian University is now updated with lessons specifically for Confluence Cloud.

There’s over three hours of brand new, Cloud-specific lessons – in addition to the previous lessons based on Confluence Server and DC.

After completing the course, you may be the biggest Confluence fan in your office.

You’ll be able to support your team with the know-how to:

  • Configure and administer spaces

  • Manage, structure, and maintain content in Confluence

  • Manage global, space, and page permissions to control access in Confluence

Let’s not forget about credentials, either. This Confluence Administration course will give you a strong foundation you can use towards earning your APB-220 Confluence Space Administration Pro Skills Badge.

And to celebrate this momentous occasion? Atlassian University’s Instructional Designer Christopher Urra – creator of the course – answers some behind-the-scenes questions.


By the way, if you’re still asking 'What’s the difference with Confluence Cloud, anyway?', don’t worry. You can jump into this free 30-minute quickstart course to see what’s new and improved.


 christopherurra.png Christopher Urra

Atlassian University Instructional Designer for the Confluence Administration Course

Why create new lessons specifically for Confluence Cloud?

It’s really about more effective learning.

Although the DC and Cloud products are similar at the core, there are a number of functional differences – and  UI changes –  in Confluence Cloud. That might create a confusing experience if you’re learning the product on a different platform than the one you’re used to. 

We wanted to present training that matches the environment that you would be working in.

What’s your favorite aspect of this Confluence Administration course?

I like that it covers all the new cloud functionality. Also, this course has a sandbox environment. So you can test things out hands-on.


Is there a secret tip or hidden feature that some might be surprised to see?

There’s a few!

If you’re coming from DC, you might be surprised to see any of the new cloud features, how the permissions work without a System Admin, as well as how easily it integrates with Google Suite.

What’s your motto when it comes to teaching and learning?

My motto covers both teaching and learning actually:

“Teach the way you’d want to be taught.”

What led you to instruct?

It turns out I had a knack for it!

I used to manage a helpdesk. We were always onboarding and training our new hires in our department. I was doing so much training, I created e-learning so we could onboard more efficiently. After that step into e-learning, the rest is history.


What do you hope learners will walk away with?

I hope they feel all subjects they needed are covered and all their questions answered so they are confident using Confluence Cloud.


When you know all the little secrets to unlock the power of Confluence Cloud, you’ll become the biggest fan in your office. And as the office Confluence Cloud expert, your coworkers might become your next super fans as well.

Unlock the power of Confluence Cloud with the Confluence Administration course



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Taranjeet Singh
Community Leader
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July 1, 2022

Thank you for sharing the information about the new Confluence Administratiin course, @Michael Antonicelli ! This is definitely going to be useful for Confluence Cloud Administrators and power users.

Like Michael likes this
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 1, 2022

Absolutely @Taranjeet Singh !

Sam Ayres
March 2, 2023

Hello! I don't see this course anymore. Is it no longer offered?Screenshot 2023-03-02 5.09.07 PM.png

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December 5, 2023

Hello! I too don't see this course anymore. Is it no longer offered?

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