Questions about Compass GA, pricing, and user types? Check out the office hours recap

Compass Head of Product Taylor Pechacek walks through Compass pricing, Free and Standard editions, and full vs. basic users. Learn which Compass plan and user types your organization will benefit from:


Pricing and Free vs. Standard plans

The software catalog is free for all users, regardless of plan, so everyone can track and collaborate on their software components, services, libraries, and more. The free plan includes a limited number of full users, while the standard plan offers up to 35,000 full users with additional customization options. Both plans also allow for an unlimited number of basic users.


User types: full vs. basic users

Full users have access to all features including scorecarding, metrics, team dashboards, and UI extension points. We recommend full user licenses for any engineer who builds, ships, or maintains code in production environments.

The basic user in Compass is designed for product managers, data scientists, and support engineers who only need limited access to component data and activity. They have read-only access to the catalog but don't have access to scorecards or health apps.

Switching between user roles can be easily managed through the admin panel. It’s a flexible model that allows you to start small and roll out to other individuals as needed.


Pricing example

See a pricing example for an organization with 10,000 full-time employees, including 4,000 engineers. Full user roles are recommended for all engineers and engineering leaders resulting in an annual investment of approximately $280k.

Engineers save time by finding information faster and staying in the flow state with less friction and overhead. If the entire organization is on Confluence and Jira, all 10,000 employees will benefit from the free catalog as well with Compass information integrated across Atlassian products.


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