Bulk Archive + Bulk Delete Now Available!

As Compass usage has grown, customers have asked us for better tools to ensure that their catalogs are accurate and can be relied upon as their single source of truth for teams across their companies.

To help with that, we’re rolling out a series of improvements aimed at better component lifecycle management. In addition to the recently launched pending state, we’re now introducing archived state along with bulk operations. 🎉

Now, when you log into Compass, you’ll be able to perform bulk operations right on the Compass catalog search page. And while all users can archive components, only Compass product admins can permanently delete them from catalog search and component detail pages.

How bulk archive and delete work

From the Published tab, select a few components. A control bar at the bottom will allow you to archive them.


After selecting Archive, a confirmation modal will appear. Selecting Archive components will move them to the Archived tab, which is accessible by all users.


Select the Archived tab, then select your component(s). The control bar now allows any user to restore these components (so they re-appear in the Published catalog).


After selecting Delete permanently, another confirmation modal will appear, requiring the product admin to type DELETE before they can delete components from the catalog.

It’s worth noting that components that are permanently deleted will lose connections to first- and third-party apps, dependencies, scorecards, and metrics. However, we don’t delete any component data from systems outside of Compass.


All users can now archive a component from its details page.


When a component is archived, an information panel will appear. From here, any user with access to your Compass site can restore the component. However, only product admins will see an option to Delete permanently, which will prompt a delete confirmation modal.


Please note that Archive is not currently available for components synced from Jira Service Management.

We hope you enjoy this new feature!



Jimi Wikman
October 2, 2024

Great stuff @Kali Cornn !!

Jeff Madison
October 9, 2024

Components being automatically (and unstoppably) imported from JSM is our biggest reason for needing Archive, bulk operations, and/or the new Approval feature. But none of those new features can be applied to JSM-sourced components. Any help for this on the horizon?

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