Hey all! You've probably seen the new API Tab in Compass. It discovers OpenAPI specifications in your repos, syncs that documentation to Compass, and tracks changes to each endpoint over time.
This works great when your Swagger/OpenAPI is checked into the repository, but for teams that don't check them into the repo there was not a good way to use the feature.
Well...now you can use this API to upload an OpenAPI JSON or YAML file:
curl --request PUT \
--url 'https://<customer-domain>.atlassian.com/gateway/api/compass/v1/component/<component-id>/api_specs' \
--user '<email-address>:<api-token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form file=@/path/to/spec-file.yaml
API Docs: Upload OpenAPI and link to Component
Aidan Cunniffe