Ch-Ch-Ch-Changing (your Component Types)

Hello Compass beta users! I'm here with another quick update. Apologies for the terrible pun in the title, I can't resist 😂


As you know, a key part of setting up your Compass catalog is utilizing Component Types. Naming and categorizing your data is the first step towards making it useful :muscle: . We’ve shipped a small but impactful change to help you in this quest: you can now change the Type of a Compass component after the component is created. Click the … menu in the top right corner of the component you want to change to find the new option.



Changing a component’s Type also updates any Custom Fields and Scorecards that are associated with that specific Type. Don’t worry if you accidentally make a mistake; your data is saved on the back end, so you can simply change the type back to the correct selection without regret.

To learn more about how Component Types work, check out our documentation.

Happy cataloging!



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