Hi There,
I noticed that when I try to complete the kudos challenge for "no questions left behind" and click on the "do mission" link, and I answer a question from the list, it doesn't increase the count.
I even wait for a few minutes and nothing. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
For me its working fine.
@Fabian Lim I wonder if it's because the content is in the Apps and Integrations collection vs. the Confluence collection. Does this happen if you answer questions located elsewhere?
Let me check and I will get back to you.
You were right, that was the issue. I was answering questions based on the link from the kudos contest comments where some have Apps and integrations as the collection.
I recently found out that it didn't work for me for this question asked in Confluence collection. Not sure if other tags eg- jira-filter, server has anything to do with it.