Hy there,
this might be a stupid question, but I saw some people writing a post and giving kudos badges away for a comment or something.
How can I do that?
I mean create and give away badges?
Is there any how-to article?
Thank you! :)
Thank you, @Kristian Klima ! But I was thinking about something like this: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-articles/Introducing-quot-Jira-for-Marketers-quot-Live-Learning-series/ba-p/2826220
@Balthazar Lang That made me laugh :D Thank you!
(I actually gave @Cyrille Martin kudos while recording the vid)
thank you @Kristian Klima .
I will give you back those Kudos ;)
@Kristian Klima appreciate the help🙌
Hi @Patricia Modispacher _appanvil_ I think those posts where you can get Kudos badges for comments are all by Community Managers or Atlassian Team, so it's an Atlassian thing ...
Ah okay, thank you so much!