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SAML-SSO: Entra certificate allegedly expired

Ingo Syllwasschy September 3, 2024







today we have connected Atlassian Cloud with ENTRA according to this instructions ( and (


The certificate used is still valid for more than 4 years and is also used for instances. It works everywhere. In our instance, however, we receive the message: 

 >Your SAML certificate expired on June 21, 2024. You must renew the SAML certificate with your identity provider and copy the new certificate into your SAML configuration<

We have filled all 3 fields 

  • "Identity provider Entity ID"
  • “Identity provider SSO URL" 
  • "Public x509 certificate".

 Where have we gone wrong?

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September 3, 2024

Hi @Ingo Syllwasschy 

It's possible that the x509 certificate was copied from an incorrect source, or it has actually expired. In the Entra ID configuration you'll need to generate a new certificate and update your IdP settings in Atlassian Guard.


Ingo Syllwasschy September 3, 2024

Thanks for answer. We will do it into next days.

Best wish


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