within bit bucket search I would like to export the search results

Warren Goldman
January 15, 2019

Within bitbucket I search repositories for a string 

e.g. 'joe.smith@company.com'

I get a scrollable page that shows the results.

I would like to save that page (or at least the results) to a file (csv, xml, txt, I don't care)

(fyi: right click save as does not work...)


I can control A and select all (gives me the info, but it is really poorly formatted contains line numbers etc.)

4 answers

2 votes
Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 16, 2019

Hi Warren, that functionality is not available at the moment. If you'd like, you cna submit a Feature request in our Issue Tracker portal. If you do, please be as descriptive as possible so our developers and the rest of the users understand the purpose and importance of this request.

You can also post the link here afterwards for more visibility.

Hope that helps!


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November 18, 2019

@Ana Retamal I would certainly love this feature to be implemented. The request is as simple as providing a feature to export the search results. Currently it's only for web use and you can't export it to send it to someone or publish it in particular format. 

Robert Bzdafka June 2, 2020

@Ana Retamal    Hi I was searching for the same feature.   We had a simple export option in TeamForge when searching.    Side note - I went to Issue Tracker portal and tried searching if someone submitted this enhancement already.   I cant find anything, but that seems like something that was requested.   

Andy Zhou March 15, 2021

@Ana Retamal We are using BitBucket server on-prem, and we would love very much to have this feature.  But when I follow your link Issue Tracker portal to create a request, I got the following message.  And it leads me to the Atlassian Support page.  It looks like customers cannot create request.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Support Requests are not handled by this system.

Please create all Support Requests on our Support System. If you have not used our support service before you will need to sign up for a new account.

Andy Zhou April 6, 2022

@Ana RetamalHi I just created https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/BSERV-13245?filter=98687 to request this feature.  I've not seen any update on this topic for more than a year now.  Could you let us know if there is a such feature in the plan?


Thanks, Andy

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Winston Hope
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April 29, 2022

I would like to add a +1 for this feature request.  Exporting the results of the searches would be very useful!



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1 vote
Kevin Ellis
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May 5, 2023

This would be a great feature, but only because it is not possible to effectively filter searches in bitbucket itself. Being able to search for strings with slashes, colons etc would be fantastic.

0 votes
Peter Brandström
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May 10, 2023

I made a VBA script for Excel.

Search Bitbucket using a web browser, Ctrl+A to select all, paste into column A in Excel. Run the Excel VBA script. It will output the Project, Repo and File into columns B, C and D.

Sub parse_bitbucket_searchresult()
toRow = 1
toCol = 2
numrows = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count).Row

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

For x = 15 To numrows
If Cells(x, 1).Hyperlinks.Count > 0 Then
Cells(x, 1).Copy
Cells(toRow, toCol).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
Cells(toRow, toCol).IndentLevel = 0
toCol = toCol + 1
If toCol > 4 Then
toCol = 2
toRow = toRow + 1
End If
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Christopher Parsons
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April 22, 2024

This doesn't work for me. Thanks for trying but not really a viable solution even if it did. We should be able to search with regular expressions and export results in 2024. Please add this feature.

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I'm New Here
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October 25, 2022

This would be a helpful feature

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