where do I find my team password?

dval September 13, 2015

When trying to clone the wiki for a team repository, I am asked for a password. My password doesn't work. Where do I find the team password?

I just created the team yesterday, I don't recall being prompted for a password during the process.

However, if I clone the repo under my own username, my password works, and I can clone successfully. 

So, why does cloning the team repo fail:

git clone https://teamid@bitbucket.org/teamid/repo-name.git/wiki

but, if I change the Bitbucket code, using my name instead of the team name, I can then clone:

git clone https://username@bitbucket.org/teamid/repo-name.git/wiki

even though I have no repositories under my account.

Is this a bug? or just a fluke of the way cloning commands are automatically generated by the server?

Should I be cloning the repo as a team or myself?


Thanks for any help or links to documentation.

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Steffen Opel _Utoolity_
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September 13, 2015

There is no team password (anymore), see the Teams FAQ Can I use my team to log into Bitbucket?:

No, recently we initiated a change ( Important Changes Are Coming to Teams ) which will deactivate the ability to use a team as an account to log into Bitbucket. If you have logged in using the team account follow the onscreen instructions to add an administrator or log out and then log in using a personal account which is a member of the team. For more detailed instructions, see  Team Account Changes.

You need to clone the repo as yourself accordingly.

  • For automation scenarios (e.g. authenticating a build server to checkout and test your code), you can also Use deployment keys:

You can use deployment keys with your Bitbucket repositories. A deployment key grants read-only access to a public or private repository. With a deployment key a user or a process can pull or clone a repository over SSH. Deployment keys have the following features and limitations:

  • Deployment keys do not apply to your plan limit. 
  • You can add the same deployment key to multiple repositories.
  • The deployment key must be unique — it cannot also be associated with an account.


dval September 14, 2015

That first paragraph pretty much describes it. Thanks. Although it's odd that the team id is given in the clone url.

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