use "-s recursive -X ours" for pull request

Alex.Cohn July 20, 2024

My Pull Request to a protected branch shows "You will need to resolve conflicts to be able to merge", but I locally I checked and it can be merged cleanly if I use `git merge -s recursive -X ours`.

Can I use this strategy to resolve the conflict?


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Atlassian Team
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July 21, 2024

G'day, @Alex.Cohn 

Welcome to the community!

It's hard to say what will happen without knowing your default merge strategies. Also, recursive merges are typically used when the branches to be merged have extremely diverged; if not, I highly do not suggest it.

Having said that, I highly suggest you check our documentation below on how to fix the merge conflict:

Merge conflicts 


Alex.Cohn July 30, 2024

There was some trivial merge issue which was not automatically resolved with default (new) strategy, but `-s recursive` handled it perfectly for me (locally). I know that I can simply merge to my branch locally and PR the merged version, and this is what I did in the end. But such workaround renders the git tree more criss-crossed and makes code review less clear.

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