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substitute variables in appsettings.json file July 1, 2024

I have DONTNET code pipeline and I need to substitute variables from appsettings.json file.

Can you please give me an example?

This is part of my json file for dotnet core web app.


"ConnectionStrings": { "Redis": "" },


Thank you.

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Patrik S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 2, 2024

Hello ,

thank you for reaching out to the Community!

The way and syntax used to reference an environment variable very depends on the language/tools you are using, and not the the pipeline itself.

When you create an environment variable in your repository/workspace, this variable will be available to be referenced by any process during your build step, but the way and syntax used to reference variables is up to the language/tool you're using.

With that in mind, I'm not really familiar with the DotNet core variable syntax, but I found the following article that  may help you with the variable substitution on the appsettings.json :

In case that doesn't help, I would suggest reaching out directly to the DotNet community for additional suggestions on how the variable substitution works in that language/framework. 

Thank you, !
Patrik S

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