stash display personal repos correctly only after reboot the service

belitex September 1, 2015

As one of the admins, I noticed that when a personal repo was created, stash-web displayed an empty repo even if the owner had pushed his codes to the server,  and others could clone his repo using SSH address of the repo at this time.

I had no idea how to resolve this, but after I stop stash service and start it again,  stash-web displays the repo correctly.  

What happened when I reboot stash service and why stash thinks it an empty repo even if it is not ?


1 answer

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Jeff Thomas
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 2, 2015

Is Stash running on a Windows VM that's using Xen?

If so, you may be running into the issue described at

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