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source tree requires either "bitbucket server" or "bitbucket". Which am I using?

SH July 24, 2024

When you download sourcetree, it forces you to register. It gives two options: 

1. bitbucket server

2. bitbucket.

How do I know which of these to choose?  We use bitbucket, and searching the web I cant find the difference.

our bitbucket repos start with

2 answers

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Hans Polder
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July 24, 2024

@SH ,

I don't know SourceTree myself, but I would assume the difference is:

  • Bitbucket Server = the version 'Bitbucket Data Center' that is hosted on premise, on any link other than '<workspace>/<repository>'
  • Bitbucket = likely the Cloud version of Bitbucket, so any repository on a link starting with 😊
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Robert Wen_ReleaseTEAM_
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July 24, 2024

If you're on Bitbucket Cloud (URL is ""), you should choose the Bitbucket option.

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