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sonar bitbucket server-unable to fetch data from sonar qube server

srinivasa rao neduri
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July 10, 2017



We are using sonar bitbucket server plugin to analyse the pull request.
we have configured all the required settings.We ran the build using gradle build script. Below the sonarqube properties

sonarqube {

properties {
property "", "http://srmsbox01:8180"
property "sonar.sources", "${projectDir}/src,${projectDir}/WebContent/js/application,${projectDir}/WebContent/cuwi-ng"
property "sonar.projectKey", ""
property 'sonar.branch', "feature/DE-810-gradle-task-to-retrieve-sms-version-new"


The build was success and it created the analysis in the sonar qube server. how ever when create and access pull request. we are getting below message

"Was not able to fetch data for Sonar project "". Either the build is not finished yet, your pull request has not been analyzed or a non-existing Sonar project is referenced. You can configure the referenced Sonar project in the repository settings."

Why its appending project key(twice) instead of branch name "" and trying to pull the details from sonar server

Ideally the sonar bit bucket server plugin should pull the analysis details with


The project key in sonar server is:


If we change the project key and run the build again. its giving different message.


we tried all the options but did not success.


please help.



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