simple upload removed....?

sean green
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January 7, 2025

There was a nice little button on the download area for a simple upload Its gone now... That's very unkind.


Looking at my options curl seem to be the best option, buts the info is out of date or vague. I'm pretty sure my user name ( its an email ) will not work. Plus I doubt we still use a plane [password in this day?


anyways flowing the many guides leaves me with



curl --user -X POST -F latest.hex=@latest.hex


Since curl has no output, I'm at a loss why its not working. Can anyone add some info to the terrible documentation?

what is user name?  Does it want my login email? IS there a special non email login?
what is password? Is it plane text or open auth 2.0?
Did I get the API path names right?
Do I append with src or downloads?



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