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pipeline based deployment to firebase gives failure

Info Hellotech
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June 22, 2019

I have followed instructions to setup a pipeline that should deploy cloud functions to firebase. However, I get the following error.


Error: Authorization failed. This account is missing the following required permissions on project test-14426: cloudfunctions.functions.create cloudfunctions.functions.delete cloudfunctions.functions.get cloudfunctions.functions.list cloudfunctions.functions.update cloudfunctions.operations.get firebase.projects.get


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Stephen Sifers
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 24, 2019


I’ve personally not used firebase before but you’re error did return a common thread on StackOverflow which points to an issue within the configuration of Firebase. There are a few options for answers within that thread and we would suggest reviewing the thread to find the most appropriate answer for you. You may find this thread at Firebase Deploy Error: Authorization failed.

While not a direct answer I do hope this information proves helpful and you’re able to get to the bottom of your firebase error.

Stephen Sifers

Info Hellotech
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
June 24, 2019

Thanks for the response. 

The issue was fixed by using the same email ID for the firebase project owner and bitbucket project owner. Now it works for other users as well, i.e. other contributors to the repository are also able to deploy code to firebase.

Not sure what caused the issue.

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