not receiving two-factor authentication email

Sonika Boyapally
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May 16, 2023

When I try to open the bitbucket account.. i am asked to set up two-step verification. 
However I am not receiving the email. 


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May 16, 2023

G'day Sonika! 

Whenever you reset your 2FA, it takes 24 hours to receive an email.

The 24-hour waiting period might be a long time to wait before being able to access your account. However, this waiting period is a security measure to prevent unauthorized individuals from exploiting this recovery method.

After the 24 hour wait period, a recovery email will be sent with a one-time login link that will allow you access to your account.

This security process has been implemented in the recovery process and cannot be overridden.

I've noticed you've since disabled your 2FA on the workspace.

Please let me know if you are still having issues.


- Ben (Bitbucket Cloud Support)

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