migrating and upgrading hosted Stash v3.7.0 to Bitbucket cloud

Paul Foster
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March 1, 2018

We have an instance of stash v3.7.0 that we host on internal network and we wish to migrate this to bitbucket in the cloud. I have a number of questions and considerations that I would value some expertise and opinions on. Obviously we will want to do this with minimal downtime.

1. What is the process to move from stash hosted to bitbucket cloud.

2. We use Team City as our CI pipeline tooling. This is also hosted currently but we want to move this into the cloud probably on AWS at some point. Are there any gotchas in respect of using Bitbucket cloud and interfacing it with Team City on AWS instance or on our own network. Will there be any latency issues across the cloud that would make this unworkable.

3. We also want to integrate Bitbucket with Jira which we also host. I am assuming this will just work with a bit of config.

Any advice or pointers would be appreciated.

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Christian Glockner
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 1, 2018

Hi Paul,

We've got some information on how to migrate from Bitbucket Server to Bitbucket Cloud at https://confluence.atlassian.com/confeval/other-atlassian-evaluator-resources/migrating-from-server-to-cloud.

Bear in mind though, that currently there's no way migrate any pull requests or other metadata from Bitbucket Server to Bitbucket Cloud, so all you can move is your repos and the files contained in those.

You can find details on the Jira Server to Bitbucket Cloud integration at https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/connect-bitbucket-cloud-to-jira-server-applications-814208991.html




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