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jira-transition get issues form commit

Chris March 6, 2020


I would like to trigger a JIRA issue transition using the jira-transition:0.2.2

  - pipe: atlassian/jira-transition:0.2.2
      TRANSITION: "Done"

the problem lies with the parameter ISSUE. In the documentation it is stated that on can specify either: ISSUE: 'ABC-123' or use the variable $BITBUCKET_BRANCH

not sure what the $BITBUCKET_BRANCH variable does?, but it is empty when I run it.

What I would like to achieve is: ISSUE: 'ABC-123, ABC-345, ABC-567, etc'.

So that the transition is done one multiple issues based on the commit. 

The API is setup and the connection with JIRA is done. So the only thing left ist to get the transition on multiple issues working.

Is there a way to get all the Issue keys of the current git hash / pipeline build that is currently running?

Kind Regards


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Alexander Zhukov
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 6, 2020

Hi @Chris . Due to the implementation of the current version of the pipe, only one issue key will be extracted from the ISSUE string. So in your case, only the ABC-123 key would be used, all other keys would be ignored. 

Chris March 6, 2020

@Alexander Zhukov thank you for your reply.

In this case the jira-transition pipe is not the right thing for me. Not sure which use case is covered by just transitioning one issue and hard coding that issue in the bitbucket-pipelines.yml

What I have to look into now is creating a bash script that extracts all git commit messages of a certain git-hash and parses the messages for Jira-Issue-Keys. All extracted issue-keys will then execute a loop that triggers a jira transition for each issue using the JIRA API.

That custom script I need to trigger in the script section of the bitbucket-pipelines.yml.

Maybe this has been done already. Or there are scripts that do exactly this. I have not yet found the right thing online. Any pointers are appreciated.

Ady Harold June 23, 2020

Hello Chris, 

I'm currently struggling with the same problem you had! Did you manage to solve it?

Chris June 23, 2020

Hello Ady

No we had to go another way. But we use bitbucket to track our deployments. So we know which issue has been deployed on which environment. 

So what we do is track if the issue has been deployed on the staging environment if so we set the jira status on staging. With the new Jira Automation you can automate such tasks with your own rules.

To detect if an issue has been deployed on the staging environment we use this filter

deploymentEnvironmentName ~ staging AND deploymentEnvironmentName !~ production AND status in ("Resolved") AND development[commits].all > 0

So basically we check if the issue is deployed on staging but not on production, the current status is "resolved" and the issue has commits. If all of this applies, we transition the issue using Jira Automation to "On Staging".

Hope this helps 

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Ady Harold July 3, 2020

Hi Chris, 

This was super useful, and we managed to automate transitions on deploy to our pre-preproduction environment with your help!

I had no idea that "deploymentEnvironmentName" was an available variable, so you've saved me a lot of trouble trying to build a custom Pipelines script.

Many thanks.

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Levente Szabo _Midori_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
September 13, 2022

For anyone looking for transitioning Jira issues automatically: just published an article about transitioning issues on the first commit. Maybe hold some new perspective and could be interesting for your DevOps automation strategy.

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