ip filter rule

jason hong May 22, 2013

does bitbucket has a feature of ip address filter ?

i want only accepted visitor to visit my bitbucket repo .

2 answers

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jason hong May 27, 2013

thank you

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Atlassian Team
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May 22, 2013

Assuming you have created a private repo, you can invite users to the repo from the Overview page of the repo in question. Assuming you are using a free Bitbucket account, you are limited to inviting 5 users in total to your private repos. It is not possible to restrict acces to repos in any other way, so black/whitelisting IPs on public repos is not possible.

Craig Goldie
I'm New Here
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March 17, 2016

Is it still the case that it is not possible to restrict access to Bitbucket Cloud repositories using whitelisting of IPs? (If so it would be a deal breaker for my company because we only want developers from company PCs to be able to access the repository).

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