how to Settings for create pull request in source tree.

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May 20, 2018


I'm using sourcetree 2.5.5 in Windows 64bit and hosting to bitbucket cloud.


When I commit with push and commit options "create pull request" by sourcetree, i got error dialog.2018-05-21_10h53_46.png

this is error dialog.


And click settings button in that dialog, It is filled, I think.

Any other information or settings needed for create pull requests in commit options?



I found similar post, but not resolved.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 22, 2018


It is a known issue I'm afraid. You are following the correct steps, once you  have filled in the 'Optional extended integration' and closed the dialog then the Pull Request menu option should work.

However the bug means that this information is occasionally lost later, possibly after an upgrade or a re-start, we are having trouble pinning it down.

So to clarify, if you complete the 'Optional extended integration' data and close the dialog the Pull Request menu option will work, but you might find you need to re-do it occasionally.

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