gnutls_handshake() failed: A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.

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February 6, 2018


Error while installing edx Devstack
Mac OS Sierra 10.12.4
Eucaliptus 1 from 2016-08-19

default: TASK: [git_clone | Set git fetch.prune to ignore deleted remote refs] *********
default: changed: [localhost]
default: TASK: [git_clone | Validate git protocol] *************************************
default: skipping: [localhost] => (item={'REPO': 'ecommerce-worker.git', 'DOMAIN': u'', 'VERSION': u'open-release/eucalyptus.1', 'PROTOCOL': u'https', 'PATH': u'edx', 'DESTINATION': u'/edx/app/ecomworker/ecomworker', 'SSH_KEY': None})
default: TASK: [git_clone | Install read-only ssh key] *********************************
default: skipping: [localhost] => (item={'REPO': 'ecommerce-worker.git', 'DOMAIN': u'', 'VERSION': u'open-release/eucalyptus.1', 'PROTOCOL': u'https', 'PATH': u'edx', 'DESTINATION': u'/edx/app/ecomworker/ecomworker', 'SSH_KEY': None})
default: TASK: [git_clone | Checkout code over ssh] ************************************
default: skipping: [localhost] => (item={'REPO': 'ecommerce-worker.git', 'DOMAIN': u'', 'VERSION': u'open-release/eucalyptus.1', 'PROTOCOL': u'https', 'PATH': u'edx', 'DESTINATION': u'/edx/app/ecomworker/ecomworker', 'SSH_KEY': None})
default: TASK: [git_clone | Checkout code over https] **********************************
default: failed: [localhost] => (item={'REPO': 'ecommerce-worker.git', 'DOMAIN': u'', 'VERSION': u'open-release/eucalyptus.1', 'PROTOCOL': u'https', 'PATH': u'edx', 'DESTINATION': u'/edx/app/ecomworker/ecomworker', 'SSH_KEY': None}) => {"cmd": "/usr/bin/git ls-remote origin -h refs/heads/open-release/eucalyptus.1", "failed": true, "item": {"DESTINATION": "/edx/app/ecomworker/ecomworker", "DOMAIN": "", "PATH": "edx", "PROTOCOL": "https", "REPO": "ecommerce-worker.git", "SSH_KEY": null, "VERSION": "open-release/eucalyptus.1"}, "rc": 128}
default: stderr: fatal: unable to access '': gnutls_handshake() failed: A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.
default: msg: fatal: unable to access '': gnutls_handshake() failed: A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.
default: FATAL: all hosts have already failed — aborting
default: PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
default: INFO:ansible.callback_plugins.datadog_tasks_timing:edxapp | checkout edx-platform repo into {{ edxapp_code_dir }} —-------------— 3681.18s
default: INFO:ansible.callback_plugins.datadog_tasks_timing:ecommerce | Install node dependencies —--------------------------------------— 229.39s
default: INFO:ansible.callback_plugins.datadog_tasks_timing:git_clone | Checkout code over https —---------------------------------------— 222.40s
default: INFO:ansible.callback_plugins.datadog_tasks_timing:ecommerce | Migrate —--------------------------------------------------------— 154.06s
default: INFO:ansible.callback_plugins.datadog_tasks_timing:edxapp | install python requirements —----------------------------------------— 90.53s
default: INFO:ansible.callback_plugins.datadog_tasks_timing:ecommerce | Install bower dependencies —--------------------------------------— 75.16s
default: INFO:ansible.callback_plugins.datadog_tasks_timing:edxapp | migrate —------------------------------------------------------------— 55.81s
default: INFO:ansible.callback_plugins.datadog_tasks_timing:edxapp | Install edx-platform npm dependencies —------------------------------— 54.42s
default: INFO:ansible.callback_plugins.datadog_tasks_timing:edx_service | Get instance information —--------------------------------------— 30.31s
default: INFO:ansible.callback_plugins.datadog_tasks_timing:rbenv | update rubygems —-----------------------------------------------------— 27.30s
default: INFO:ansible.callback_plugins.datadog_tasks_timing:
default: Playbook vagrant-devstack finished: Tue Feb 6 18:24:47 2018, 310 total tasks. 1:22:00 elapsed.
default: to retry, use: —limit @/root/vagrant-devstack.retry
default: localhost : ok=270 changed=57 unreachable=0 failed=1
The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant
assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command
should be in the log above. Please read the output to determine what
went wrong.

1 answer

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 7, 2018

You've tagged this as "Bitbucket" but this is not a Bitbucket question.

That said, are you connecting through a proxy?

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