git-svn: ERROR: Unable to determine version

Karina Tasha
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September 21, 2020



i'm trying to migrate from svn to bucket and got this issue

C:\BitBucket>java -jar svn-migration-scripts.jar verify
svn-migration-scripts: using version 0.1.56bbc7f
Git: using version
Subversion: using version 1.14.0
usage: git init [-q | --quiet] [--bare] [--template=<template-directory>] [--shared[=<permissions>]] [<directory>]
git-svn: ERROR: Unable to determine version.


here's what i got if i checked the versions

C:\BitBucket>git --version
git version

C:\BitBucket>git svn --version
git-svn version (svn 1.14.0)

C:\BitBucket>svn --version
svn, version 1.14.0 (r1876290)
compiled May 24 2020, 17:07:49 on x86-microsoft-windows


what did i miss?


1 answer

0 votes
Murad Khan March 20, 2024

Prepare - Migrate to Git from SVN | Atlassian Git Tutorial


If you get a warning about being unable to determine a version, run export LANG=C (*nix) or SET LANG=C (Windows) and try again.

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