git log doesn't show all commits

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February 8, 2020

If I issue:

git log --all --pretty=oneline

on my local machine I get all commits. If I issue the same command in my pipeline I get a truncated list. The specific commit that I'm looking for is from 19 Dec 2019. If I issue:

git log --all --pretty=oneline --before "2020-02-01"

I still get a truncated list but it starts with commits from 1 Feb 2020 so it is shorter. But I don't get the commit I'm looking for. The list ends at the same point even though it is shorter. It is as if the pipeline only goes back so far and the commit i'm looking for is too far in the past.

Obviously, git log is not what I want to do in my pipeline but it is an example of the problem I have. What I actually want to do is a git diff between that 'missing' commit and HEAD.

Just to reiterate these commands all give the expected results when run on my local machine. It is only the pipeline that is truncated. Any ideas?

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Matthew Howard
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I'm New Here
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September 29, 2022

Did you ever get an answer to this?

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Maoz zadok October 1, 2023

any response?

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