situation -
I'm trying to run a simple test where i upload a file
using a command like so
await page.locator('input[type="file"]').nth(0).setInputFiles('/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/../sample-img.png');
the file /sample-img.png is stored inside the repository
issue -
locally this works fine , but when running it in the pipeline it wont be able to find the ../sample-img.png
it cant find the path to the file for some reason
i tried every variation of ./sample-img.png and adding the upper path which is tests/sample-img.png , nothing works
from what i understood its because the file is stored in a different path in the machine that is running the pipeline , but i cant find how to find it
someone suggested to use
- ls -LaR
but maybe I'm not using it correct , adding it to the pipeline step simply does nothing
can someone help which what path i need to put before the sample img? or what can i do to solve this issue?