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event handler for ProjectPermissionModificationRequestedEvent

prayag singh February 25, 2019

I want to implement event handler for ProjectPermissionModificationRequestedEvent, for that I need to compare event.newValue with the string "PROJECT_ADMIN" or other project related permissions.

I have tried 

if(event.newValue == "PROJECT_ADMIN")
do something
event.cancel("custom msg")


But this is not as expected, like even if the value of event.newValue is PROJECT_ADMIN (as printed through log.warn() ) if block doesn't get executed.

Kindly someone suggest the method to achieve the same.


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Joanna Choules
Rising Star
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February 27, 2019

Hi Prayag,

I think the reason this is not working as expected is because event.newValue is not a String, but rather a Permission. To check its value you will therefore need to do something like the following:

import com.atlassian.bitbucket.permission.Permission

if (event.newValue == Permission.PROJECT_ADMIN) { /* etc. */ }

Hope this helps!

Joanna Choules, Adaptavist Product Support

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prayag singh February 27, 2019

Thanks @Joanna Choules ,I will use that.

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