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deleting files from repository no space

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June 11, 2019


I have a few files in my repository I want to delete to create space again, since I did not realize I reached the limit of 2GB. These files do not need to be there, it was just convenient, up to when I can only view and not push to it.

I am very new at using Bitbucket and Sourcetree, and am looking for the easiest way to delete these files and get that pushed.

I have tried deleting several times in Finder and the command line, but after removing the files and committing it, I can't push the change due to the space limit and that the repository is now in read-only mode. I also get a 403 error when trying to push the change in the command line.


If you have a suggestion how I can do this easily (I looked at the question page, but that does not seem to work for me), please let me know, I really appreciate all help with this!


Best wishes,



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Mikael Sandberg
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June 11, 2019

Hi @Dorien,

Welcome to the Atlassian Community.

You can follow these instructions to reduce the size of your repository, Reduce repository size. If you still have issues after reducing the size you would need to contact Atlassian support, they may have to run a git gc on your repository to clean up some space. 

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 17, 2019

I've looked at the page you suggest, as mentioned, this does not seem to work for me. Is this the only way to do this myself? I was wondering if other people had an easy solution to do this.

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