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datadog send event not able to send message

Zuberu Abdulrahman May 27, 2020


I am issue using : atlassian/datadog-send-event:1.1.2.

I have tried all the versions and using images: image: python:3.7 and image: node:10.15.0.

During message sending I get this error:

curl -s -X POST -H Content-type: application/json --output /tmp/pipe-30421.txt -w %{http_code} -d { "title": "Pipeline Deployment Status", "text": "%%% \\n Alert sent from [Pipeline #59](!/results/59) \\n %%%", "priority": "normal", "alert_type": "success", "source_type_name": "BITBUCKET", "tags": [ "Alert_Type:success", "branch:development", "workspace:XXXX", "repository:kXXXXXX" ]} --verbose$API_KEY*

Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x555dce9307a0)*

Closing connection -1

cat: can't open '/tmp/pipe-30421.txt': No such file or directory2020-05-27T20:03:55.89663536Z stdout P 000

What might be the cause?

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Halyna Berezovska
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 29, 2020

@Zuberu Abdulrahman looks like the url you are trying to reach, was not accessible at that moment or request failed with some error.

Could you execute curl to that url directly with --silent option to debug and put the logs here?

It will help to investigate your issue.



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