can't find the SSH Link to clone the repo

dinis brazão
March 15, 2018

Hi all,

I have bitbucket server.
I enabled the SSH access (and leftit in the defaults:  ssh://
I cannot find anywhere the correspondent to something like 

ssh:// (this one I made it but it doesn't work.

ANy ideas on how to get the ssh link?



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Atlassian Team
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March 15, 2018

Hey Dinis,

If you are not seeing SSH option in "Actions" -> "Clone"  for that repository, it is probably that SSH Keys are not added for system use or not in your profile. Selecting SSH from that dropdown should provide the SSH url.

Please go through following documents and make sure  you have added an SSH Key either for personal use or for system use.


Best regards,
Prasanth Thaikkalloor

dinis brazão
March 16, 2018

Hi Prasanth
I had not looked into that.
Yes - the path to ssh is there indeed.
Thank you.


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