bamboo problem with checking out accented filename

Patrick Ouellet August 22, 2011

We are having problem with bamboo checkout.

Even if we had asked users not to use accented characters ( we are a french compagny) in filename and folder names, why would they listen to us, we're just the admin.

Anyway, so they have put accented characters in the filename and now when bamboo checkout the code it fails because of encoding issue (my guess).

Folder named like: "requètes" appears as "requĨtes" in the xml-data/build-dir/ folder in the bamboo directory structure. I dont get this if I checkout the same repository under windows.

Thats why I think its a encoding problem.

My problem is that I wonder how bamboo makes the chakout?

Does it use the svn program or one of its own?

And if it does use its own svn client, is there a thing I can do to fix this?

I give thanx to anyone who can help even in the smallest ways.

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Przemek Bruski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 22, 2011

Bamboo uses svnkit library to checkout the code. You should be ablle to use accented characters if your LC_CTYPE environment variable is set to a value that correctly interpretes them (a UTF8-based charset would be best).

Patrick Ouellet August 22, 2011

As I try to figure out this problem I think the problem is that the file have been created on windows with the windows-1252 encoding... which is not UTF-8 if im not mistaken. so they have been checked in encoded in windows-1252 and when bamboo tries to checkout theses files it garble the accented character...

Patrick Ouellet August 22, 2011

Yay :-S i've been able to find a solution.. it sucks tho... if the file are created under linux, they work in both Windows and Linux, when they are created under windows, they work only on windows.

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