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Workspace ID not found.

Ajay Abdulpur
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 19, 2019

I'm trying to transfer a repository to another account. 

It says "Workspace ID not found". 

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Tyler T
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 20, 2019

When transferring repositories, the workspace ID is the part in the URL before the repository slug. Usernames and workspace IDs are often the same, but not always.

One of your repos might look like:<your-workspace-id>/<repository-name>

And the other account:<other-account-workspace-id>/<repository name>

In the transfer form.. enter only the workspace ID of the other account, e.x. other-account-workspace-id

Petro Kobzar
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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February 3, 2020

I have same problem. I want to change repositories owner.
But when I write new owner "Workspace ID" it writes "Workspace ID not found."
I've tried three different people, but always the same.

Should I write this to support? Is this a bug?

Petro Kobzar
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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February 4, 2020

Aha I understand what I am doing wrong.
I have to write "Workspace ID", but not whole url address.

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2 votes
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
February 13, 2020

The instructions are unclear. It works if you put in the workspaceID and nothing else.

Don't use the entire URL, just the workspaceID

1 vote
Gabor Mayer December 9, 2019

Hi, Just created a new workspace for my team. I copy the URL from the browser<your-workspace-id>/<repository-name>/src/master/

remove the ending and get the<your-workspace-id>/<repository-name>

still it tels me, Workspace ID not found.

What am I doing wrong?

solved using another admin user to request the transfer

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Tyler T
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 4, 2020

Thank you for all the feedback about the repository transfer instructions causing confusion. We are going to revisit the copy and make an improvement!

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Chris March 4, 2020

Yes, just the workspace ID with no URL.  They should remove the incorrect example text.

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Tung Nguyen February 25, 2020

I entirely agree with @david_cheal about the unclear and unfriendly instruction. We just put the workspace id instead of the full repository URL.

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