Windows Runners very slow

April 29, 2022

We're really grateful for Windows Runners since it's solved our on premise deployment issue.  Also it's allowed us to finally build / deploy some older .NET Framework projects that aren't dockerized.

My only issue is that it seems the runner isn't too reliable.  Or it could be our CI/CD server - I'm just not sure how to tell.  Issues I see randomly through the day

  • some star network error in the pipelines saying it can't communicate to the runner
  • the runners just super slow to start up
  • new pipelines waiting in Queue for a long time when nothing else is building
  • sometimes there will be super large time gaps in between steps - but the step still says it's fast
    • i.e step takes 10-15 minutes to complete an "echo" but once it completes it says 3s

I just restarted the CI/CD server and it takes several minutes to do it's first heartbeat

[2022-04-29 18:01:27,936] Runner version: 1.313
[2022-04-29 18:01:28,195] Runner runtime: windows-powershell
[2022-04-29 18:03:33,624] Starting websocket listening to RUNNER_UPDATED events.
[2022-04-29 18:03:56,263] Updating runner status to "ONLINE" and checking for new steps assigned to the runner after 0 seconds and then every 30 seconds.
[2022-04-29 18:04:22,110] Updating runner state to "ONLINE".
[2022-04-29 18:04:44,136] Updating runner state to "ONLINE".
[2022-04-29 18:04:45,715] An error occurred whilst updating runner state to "ONLINE".
com.atlassian.pipelines.stargate.client.core.exceptions.StargateConflictException: Response Summary: HttpResponseSummary{httpStatusCode=409, httpStatusMessage=Conflict, bodyAsString={"key":"agent-service.runner.conflict","message":"Simultaneous state updates were attempted for runner with id: {1ff233e2-333a-5921-a31b-00b7ac6cfbf3}","arguments":{}}}

I just deployed the same project twice and it took 28m the second time vs 1m the time before.  here's a project using runner's durations for a few deploys - about 1-2m is what I'm expecting

  • 28m 36s
  • 1m 32s
  • 3m 30s
  • 1m 42s
  • 7m 3s

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 3, 2022

Hi @Poat,

I would suggest creating a ticket with the support team so we can check both the logs of the runners and also of the builds in question, otherwise, it's hard to troubleshoot this.

You can create a ticket via, in "What can we help you with?" select "Technical issues and bugs" and then Bitbucket Cloud as product.

You can copy-paste the information from your post in the ticket description, and also please add the URL of the builds (the one that took ~1 min and the other one that took 28 minutes).

Kind regards,

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