Wiki won't stop telling me I deleted a file

furrykef December 30, 2024

The other day I deleted a wiki page called "Easter eggs". Now every time I visit a page on any of my wikis (regardless of which workspace it's in), I receive the pop-up notification, " deleted". It's been doing this for days now and it's getting extremely irritating. Even logging out and back in hasn't helped.

In desperation, I tried recreating the offending page. I still got notifications telling me was deleted even though the page was there and works fine. I deleted it again and the behavior didn't change. Then I tried creating and deleting a page called "Delete me" and the message changed to "Delete deleted". So it will only notify me about one wiki page at a time, but it will never stop doing it.


furrykef - just-tennis - wiki - Home — Bitbucket - Chromium_001.png

2 answers

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Mark C
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 31, 2024

Hi @furrykef,

Thank you for reaching out to the community.

Would it be possible for you to confirm if you're able to replicate the issue in a different browser and/or incognito window?

Mark C

furrykef January 2, 2025

Thank you for your reply.

I use Chromium as my main browser. The problem does go away if I use an incognito window or if I browse in Firefox, but it still persists in my main Chromium session, even if I close and reopen the browser.

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 2, 2025

Hi @furrykef 

Chromium is not a supported web browser for the Bitbucket Cloud platform, hence why you are likely to encounter issues when attempting to use Bitbucket features.

You'll need to use a supported browser from the list in our documentation below:


- Ben (Bitbucket Cloud Support)

furrykef January 3, 2025

Chromium is basically Chrome. You should support both. They look the same on the server side, which means any browser usage statistics your website (indeed, any website) gathers will likely lump them together. If so, you have no way of knowing how many of your "Chrome" users are actually running Chromium. For all you know, it could be a majority.

That said, I can also reproduce the issue in Firefox, and that is a browser Bitbucket officially supports. Merely loading one of my wikis in Firefox did not reproduce the problem, but if I created and deleted a page named Delete_me, the problem manifests.

Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 3, 2025

Hi @furrykef,

I was able to reproduce the issue on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. I created a bug report about this in our issue tracker:

Please keep in mind that that we don't provide ETAs and bug fixing is implemented as per our policy here.

You can add yourself as a watcher (by selecting the link Start watching this issue in the bug report) if you'd like to get notified via email on any updates. You can also select the link This affects my team to indicate you are affected by this issue.

In the meantime, I saw that deleting the browser cookies for makes the error message no longer show.

Kind regards,

furrykef January 3, 2025

Thank you very much.

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 3, 2025

You are very welcome, please feel free to reach out if you ever need anything else.

0 votes
furrykef December 31, 2024

So, uh, is there somewhere I can formally report this on a bug tracker so I can be sure someone will try to fix it?

(EDIT: Oops, didn't realize that this was for answers and not replies, but I don't see an option to delete this "answer".)

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