Why is there a blank cell (`td`) for each row (`tr`) in the commit list?

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August 12, 2022

There are 4 headings on the commit list of each repository – AuthorCommitMessage and Date.

I'd like these 4 headings to use the full width of the screen but there seems to be a blank cell in each table body (`tbody`) row (`tr`) that's making the table narrower than it needs to be.

Is there a setting we need to disable for each repo/on an account-wide basis that can solve this problem or do I need to report this issue to Atlassian?

Edit: a good example is shown in a screenshot in another Bitbucket question. It's clear in this screenshot that the commit list is not using the full width of the screen.

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Atlassian Team
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August 14, 2022

Hey @admpsktt-codeface 


I believe you are affected by the following bug where the UI did not align correctly if there's no Build column:

It's currently in a long-term backlog, and a couple of workarounds are listed below. Please use one of the options below to see all the commit messages or at least more of them:

  1. Enable the Pipeline in the repository.  Once the Pipeline is enabled, there's the "Build" column, and the commits page UI will be aligned without excess spaces
  2. Mouse over the commit message in the UI, and the tooltip will show more number of characters of the commit message 
  3. Click on the commit link, which will open a new UI with the commit details. This UI will give the entire commit message for the commit 
  4. Zoom Out in the browser, and it will display more number of characters of the commit message in the UI


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